Large Carved Candles


SKU: Lg Carved Candles Categories: ,


Hand dipped and then carved while still warm and pliable.
These beautiful candles are equally beautiful when burned.
They burn down the center, leaving the pretty cuts and curls intact
while glowing with the candlelight from the inside.

Large  Carved Candles stand about 12 1/2″ tall
Available in two styles. Scroll or Flip Roll
Scroll Style is pictured

Choice of Outside Color….White or Black
And Choice of Inner Colors
Primary Color…choose a combo or single color
Secondary Color…you may enter a second color if you choose a single color
for the Primary Color.

Combo Colors
Classic White (this means the whole candle is white, although you can choose to have either a White or Black Outside.
Rainbow – this is a combo of 5 colors Purple, Blue, Green, Yellow, Red
Peacock – this combo color is Green, Blue, and Purple
Sunburst – this combo uses Yellow and Orange

Single Colors
Choose one primary or up to three other colors
Red \ Burgundy \ Orange \ Yellow
Green \ Sage \ Blue \ Purple \ Violet
Pink \ Black


Additional information

Weight 4 lbs
Dimensions 14 × 11 × 9 in
Style Choice

Scroll, FlipRoll

Outside Color

White, Black

Primary Color

White, Rainbow, Peacock, Sunburst, Red, Burgundy, Orange, Yellow, Green, Sage, Blue, Purple, Violet, Pink, Black

Secondary Color

None, Red, Burgundy, Orange, Yellow, Green, Sage, Blue, Purple, Violet, Pink, Black