Autumn 2024
Here at Smart-Scents we have been hand crafting candles for over 40 years. With a love of Candle making and Chemistry alike, Rose the Candlemaker combines her skills with traditional candle making and extends it into new techniques and applying it to Today’s Lifestyles.
Our Most Popular Lines fall under this category…Smelly Bears, Wax Air fresheners; Beeswax Lotion Bars;
and our Companion Jars (Personal Air Fresheners.) Companion Jars are available at the Studio and in person at the shows we do, but not online.
In addition we also make Carved Candles, Memorial Candles and some
more Traditional Candles in different shapes and scents. Plus Twisty Tapers, Wax Melts and container candles.
2024! How the years speed by. This year marks our 11th year as a Full time Local Artist.
For many years we had been traveling the country doing Renaissance Festivals.
In 2011 we started to back off the traveling. While I miss my customers
at the Arizona, Minnesota, Texas and Colorado Renaissance Festivals, I do enjoy not driving all those miles.
I have added extra web pages, for those customers who have expressed an interest, to order
online but there are many candles that I make that are not on the website.
And as always, if there is something that you saw at a show or that is not on the website, email me.
I am NOT retiring, just enjoying the house we have and the wonderful climate in Colorado while pursuing interests as a Local Colorado Artist.
2018 marked my last year having a shop at the Colorado Renaissance Festival.
It’s a great little summer faire on the side of the mountain. But times have changed for us.
The Candlemaker is making a change to the Smart Scents page has been changed over the past year…
it includes, Design your own Pillar Candle, where you can choose the Shape & Size of the Candle
and then Pick the Color and Scent…It is still only available at the Studio.
People have been Ordering and Designing their own Pillar Candles at the Studio for the past few years.
We no longer display at any Bridal Shows but you can always make an appointment at our Studio to see what is available or to ask us for something special. We have single Unity Candles, Carved Tapers, Memory Candles and candles for the Mothers and even options for including Children. Most Wedding Candles are made to order. If you have samples of your colors, a slip of ribbon or cloth is appreciated to aid with
color matching.
The Candlemaker has a small Studio in Colorado Springs, hours are by appointment only. To make an appointment, just text, email or call
to set up a time. Our studio used to be mainly for our Bridal Customers but we expanded it by client request.
With 2020 and Covid came the closing of all non essential businesses (including my Studio) and the cancellation of all Craft Shows.
When we were allowed to reopen the Candlemaker added more studio hours.
But now we are in a new year…2024
Our Studio in Colorado Springs is Open by Appointment for Nov and Dec.
We are taking appointments for Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat between 11am and 4pm.
Please make an appointment, we do make candles daily.
Please call, text (612-669-3541) or email to set it up.
As always, if you need to set up a special time, just ask. You can always send an email or text.
We sell candles here on the website, At Local Craft shows in Colorado, And at our Studio in Colorado Springs.
Ordering is available online. You can choose to pick up your order at the studio or have it shipped.
During Winter orders take a little longer due to cold/snow. During the summer we may have to hold an order if the
temperature is over 90. Let us know when you need your candles and we can adjust for your needs.
If the shipping seems to be too high, send us an email. The computer doesn’t always put more than one candle in a package.
We can physically weigh it out and get back to you with an accurate shipping cost and refund you via Paypal.
Our Show List for 2024 is complete.
But Last Years Schedule will be left up for you to refer to.
2024 Fall Craft Show Schedule
June-July-Aug Studio Hours in Colorado Springs
. by appointment-call or text 612-669-3541
June 22nd-23rd Maker’s Market @ Lewis Palmer High School (inside this year)
… Monument, CO
Aug 10th – 11th 39th Annual Mountain Arts Festival
. put on by the Ute Pass Cultural Center
. New Location in Memorial Park, Woodland Park, CO
Oct 5th Friends of the Museum Art Fair, Space D-28
. Ketring Park, Littleton, CO
Oct 19th – 20th Mollie McGees Fall Craft Market
. Boulder County Fairgrounds, Longmont, CO
Nov 9th Liberty High School Craft Market
. Colorado Springs, CO 9am-4pm
Nov 16th -17th Mollie McGee’s Holiday Craft Market
. Boulder County Fairgrounds, Longmont, CO
Dec 7th – 8th Doherty High School Craft Bazaar, Space 17-18
. Colorado Springs. CO
. Stop by and visit with Bobby & Rosie and watch Candle Carving
. Have a cup of Bobby’s Coffee and some Home made Cookies
. Pick up some last minute Christmas Gifts of Candles or Coffee
. Hours 10-6
Hope you find the website easy to use.
The shipping charges are figured by your shipping location/zip code instead of being a set price for the candle.
If you have a problem or think the shipping is off please email us and we will figure it out by hand and get back to you. Sometimes automation does not work. There are 2 ways to order…Click on the Picture below the text or
Quick Order is available in the sidebar
(for those on their mobile device, Quick Order is at the bottom of the page)
NOTE: We no longer have a shop at the Colorado Renaissance Festival but you are always welcome at our Studio in Colorado Springs. Just call or text for an appointment to make sure we are in.
Rose the Candlemaker – Studio Address
5529 Branding Iron Ct.
Colorado Springs, CO 80915
Please call or text or email for an appointment